Master Program Crop Protection

Study Program
The two-year MSc program in Crop Protection is an international study programme, which was established in 2010 at the University of Göttingen.All courses are held in English.

The curriculum is job and research oriented and follows an interdisciplinary approach of crop protection within the larger framework of crop production systems. In addition to the advanced study courses the capability for interdisciplinary research, improvement of oral and written communication and presentation skills are focused on.
Students have to carry out a six weeks internship in areas of crop protection, preferably outside the university, in companies, in research or consulting institutions and experience the daily work environment. Specific knowledge of the respective area of work and/or research as well as social skills like work organization, team work, interdisciplinary work, flexibility will be acquired,
The two years Master program comprises of four semesters during which 120 credits (ECTS) have to be completed. The courses of advanced study contribute 81 credits, an internship of 6 weeks including a written report and oral presentations 9 credits and the master thesis including the colloquium 30 credits . The training in conceptual and practicall skills is achieved through lectures, seminars, laboratory classes, field courses and project work.

The first semester provides an intensive programme of basic studies like:
- Basic laboratory techniques
- Integrated management of pests and diseases
- Weed biology and weed management
- Pesticides- mode of action and application techniques
- Molecular diagnostics and biotechnology in crop protection
- Plant nutrition and plant health

The second semester focuses on

- Scientific presenting, writing, paper reviewing and publishing in crop protection
- Practical statistics and experimental design
- Plant diseases and pests in tempeate zones
- Basics of molecular biology in crop protection

In the summer break the internship should be completed.

In the third semester courses like

- Virology
- Pesticides- toxicology, ecotoxicoloy, environmental fate,regulation and registration
- Plant herbivore interactions
- Mycology
- Fungal toxins
can be selected.

The last semester is devoted to a research project for the master thesis - including experiments, data collection and evaluation, and writing the thesis. The thesis has to be defended in a colloquium.
The crop protection study program cooperates with research institutions and the agrochemical industry at different levels (Internship, lectures and practical courses) and provides the opportunity to focus on the topics and tools applicable and on demand for research in national and international crop protection.