Studying Abroad with ERASMUS
Welcome to the Erasmus+ Student Mobility advisory service!
We are available for you,
- for questions regarding the organisation of an Erasmus stay abroad, please contact Dr. Steil ( and
- for questions regarding the Learning Agreement or recognition, please contact the Erasmus representative of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Andreas Tilgner
- for general questions about the Erasmus programme, please contact Göttingen International (
We look forward to your enquiries!
Mobility window
The stay abroad usually starts with the 5th or 6th semester for Bachelor students and with the 1st semester for Master students. Exceptions are possible, but should please be agreed upon.The advantages of the ERASMUS program
- Few formalities
- Organized study stay
- No tuition fees at the host university
- Financial support to cover mobility costs (if sufficient funds are available)
- Own language courses and social support programs
- Often organized accommodation
- Professional on-site support
- Recognition of academic achievements