Journal Articles


  • Alvafritz L, Hertel D (2024) Impacts of land use history on leaf litter input, chemical composition, decomposition and related nutrient cycling in young and old secondary tropical lowland rainforests (Sumatra, Indonesia). Plant and Soil 495: 359-370
  • Blondeel H, Guillemot J, Martin-StPaul N, Bilodeau-Gauthier S, Bauhus J, Grossiord C, Hector A, Jactel H, Jensen J, Messier C, Muys B, Serrano-León H, Auge H, Barsoum N, Birhane E, Bruelheide H, Cavender-Bares J, Chu C, Cumming JR, Damtew A, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Fiedler S, Ganade G, Godbold DL, Gravel D, Hall JS, Hölscher D, Hulvey KB, Koricheva J, Kreft H, Lapadat C, Liang J, Liu X, Meredieu C, Mereu S, Montgomery R, Morillas L, Nock C, Paquette A, Parker JD, Parker W, Paterno GB, Perring MP, Ponette Q, Potvin C, Reich P, Rentch J, Rewald B, Sandén H, Sinacore K, Standish R, Stefanski A, Tobin PC, van Breugel M, Vergara Fagundes M, Weih M, Wil-liams LJ, Zhou M, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K, Baeten L (2024) Tree diversity reduces variability in sap-ling survival under drought. Journal of Ecology
  • Chen G, Veldkamp E, Damris M, Irawan B, Tjoa A, Corre MD (2024) Large contribution of soil N2O emission to the global warming potential of a large-scale oil palm plantation despite changing from conventional to reduced man-agement practices. Biogeosciences 21:513–529
  • Cortés-Molino Á, Valdés-Uribe A, Ellsäßer F, Bulusu M, Ahongshangbam J, Hendrayanto, Hölscher D, Röll A (2024) Combining UAV thermography, point cloud analysis and machine learning for assessing small-scale evapotranspiration patterns in a tropical rainforest. Ecohydrology 17: e2604
  • Dhiya'Ulhaq NU, Dupérré N, Buchori D, Scheu S, Drescher J (2024) Four new species of Utivarachna Kishida, 1940 (Araneae: Trachelidae) from Sumatra. Zootaxa 5418: 551-575
  • Ehlers J, Hartke TR, Janotta N, Mawan A, Nazarreta R, Desriana R, Hidayat P, Buchori D, Scheu S, Pollierer MM, Drescher J (2024) Trophic Change and Community Decline in Acrobat Ants After Rainforest Conversion to Cash Crops. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70694
  • Kubitza C, Krishna VV, Klasen S, Kopp T, Nuryartono N, Qaim M (2024) Labor displacement in agriculture: Evidence from oil palm expansion in Indonesia. Land Economics 100
  • May PB, Schlund M, Armston J, Kotowska MM, Brambach F, Wenzel A, Erasmi S (2024) Mapping aboveground biomass in Indonesian lowland forests using GEDI and hierarchical models. Remote Sensing of Environment 313: 114384
  • Pallavi, Röll A, Marques I, Ramadhani DN, Valdes-Uribe A, Hendrayanto, Hölscher D (2024) Changes in leaf area index by tropical forest transformation to plantations increase below-canopy surface temperatures. Global Ecology and Conservation 53: e03001
  • Paterno GB, Brambach F, Guerrero-Ramírez N, Zemp DC, Cantillo AF, Camarretta N, Moura CCM, Gailing O, Ballauff J, Polle A, Schlund M, Erasmi S, Iddris NA, Khokthong W, Sundawati L, Irawan B, Hölscher D, Kreft H (2024) Diverse and larger tree islands promote native tree diversity in oil palm landscapes. Science 386: 795-802
  • Potapov AM, Drescher J, Darras K, Wenzel A, Janotta N, Nazarreta R, Kasmiatun, Laurent V, Mawan A, Utari EH, Pollierer MM, Rembold K, Widyastuti R, Buchori D, Hidayat P, Turner E, Grass I, Westphal C, Tscharntke T, Scheu S (2024) Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs. Nature
  • Rasmussen LV, Grass I, Mehrabi Z, Smith OM, Bezner-Kerr R, Blesh J, Garibaldi LA, Isaac ME, Kennedy CM, Wittman H, Batáry P, Buchori D, Cerda R, Chara J, Crowder DW, Darras K, DeMaster K, Garcia K, Gomez M, Gonthier D, Hidayat P, Hipólito J, Hirons M, Hoey L, James D, John I, Jones AD, Karp DS, Kebede Y, Bezner Kerr C, Klassen S, Kotowska M, Kreft H, Llanque R, Levers C, Lizcano DJ, Lu A, Madsen S, Nunes Marques R, Buss Martins P, Melo A, Nyantakyi-Frimpong H, Olimpi EM, Owen JP, Pantevez H, Qaim M, Redlich S, Scherber C, Sciligo AR, Snapp S, Snyder WE, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stratton AE, Taylor JM, Tscharntke T, Valencia V, Vogel C, Kremen C (2024) Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture. Science 384: 87-93
  • Wang S, Schneider D, Hartke TR, Ballauff J, Moura CCM, Schulz G, Li Z, Polle A, Daniel R, Gailing O, Irawan B, Scheu S, Krashevska V (2024) Optimising high-throughput sequencing data analysis, from gene database selection to the analysis of compositional data: a case study on tropical soil nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1168288
  • Zheng LT, Barry KE, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Craven D, Verheyen K, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Zhao Z, Auge H, Barsoum, Bauhus J, Binkley D, Bruelheide H, Cavender-Bares J, Dolezaal J, Eisenhauer N, Fagundes M, Ferlian O, Fiedler S, Forrester DI, Ganade G, Gebauer T, Haase J, Hajek P, Hector A, Herault B, Hölscher D, Hulvey KB, Irawan B, Jactel H, Koricheva J, Kreft H, Lanta V, Mereu S, Messier C, Montagnini F, Mörsdorf M, Müller S, Muys B, Nock C, Paquette A, Parker W, Parker J, Parrotta J, Paterno G, Perring MP, Piotto D, Polley W, Ponette Q, Potvin C, Quosh J, Reich PB, Rewald B, van Ruijven J, Standish R, Stefanski A, Sundawati L, Tilman D, Urgoiti J, Williams L, Wilsey B, Yang B, Zhang L, Godbold DL, Sandén H, Leps J, Ebeling A, Weigelt A, Schmid B, Fischer M, Weisser W, Yan E, Hautier Y (2024) Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications
  • Zhou Z, Lu J-Z, Widyastuti R, Scheu S, Potapov A, Krashevska V (2024) Plant roots are more strongly linked to microorganisms in leaf litter rather than in soil across tropical land-use systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 190: 109320


  • Brenneis K, Bambang I, Wollni M (2023) Promoting agricultural technologies with positive environmental effects: Evidence on tree planting in Indonesia. Ecology Economics 204: 107666
  • Bulusu M, Ellsäßer F, Stiegler C, Ahongshangbam J, Marques I, Hendrayanto, Röll A, Hölscher D (2023) UAV-based thermography reveals spatial and temporal variability of evapotranspiration from a tropical rainforest. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6
  • Daum T, Baudron F, Birner R, Qaim M, Grass I (2023) Addressing agricultural labour issues is key to biodiversity-smart farming. Biological Conservation 284:110165
  • Ermilov SG, Sandmann D, Scheu S (2023) New Otocepheidae (Acari, Oribatida) from Indonesia. International Journal of Acarology 49: 196-202
  • Ermilov SG, Sandmann D, Scheu S (2023) New species of Pulchroppia (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Indonesia. Acarologia 63: 725-734
  • Ermilov SG, Sandmann D, Scheu S (2023) New species of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) with auriculate pteromorphs from Indonesia. Systematic and Applied Acarology 28: 1043–1055
  • Greenshields B, von der Lühe B, Huges HJ, Stiegler C, Tarigan S, Toja A, Sauer D (2023) Oil-palm management alters the spatial distribution of amorphous silica and mobile silicon in topsoils. SOIL 9: 169-188
  • Greenshields B, von der Lühe B, Huges HJ, Tjoa A, Hennings N, Sauer D (2023) Effects of turning rainforest into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils within the first 20 years after the transformation. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11:1189502
  • Greenshields B, von der Lühe B, Schwarz F, Huges HJ, Toja A, Kotowska M, Brambach F, Sauer D (2023) Estimating oil-palm Si storage, Si return to soils and Si losses through harvest in smallholder oil-palm plantations of Sumatra, Indonesia. Biogeosciences 20: 1259-1276
  • Iddris NA-A, Formaglio G, Paul C, von Groß V, Chen G, Angulo-Rubiano A, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Darras KFA, Krashevska V, Potapov A, Wenzel A, Irawan B, Damris M, Daniel R, Grass I, Kreft H, Scheu S, Tscharntke T, Verldkamp E, Corre MD (2023) Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Nature Sustainability
  • Knoke T, Hanley N, Roman-Cuesta RM, Groom B, Venmans F, Paul C (2023) Trends in tropical forest loss and the social value of emission reductions. Nature Sustainability 6: 1373-1384
  • Kotowska MM, Samhita S, Hertel D, Triadiati, Beyer F, Allen K, Link RM, Leuschner C (2023) Consequences of tropical rainforest conversion to tree plantations on fine root dynamics and functional traits. Oikos: e08898
  • Li K, Grass I, Zemp DC, Lorenz H, Sachsenmaier L, Nurdiansyah F, Hölscher D, Kreft H, Tscharntke T (2023) Tree identity and canopy openness mediate oil palm biodiversity enrichment effects on insect herbivory and pollination. Ecological Applications 33: e2862
  • Ma'rufah U, Tania JT, Ali AA, Akhmad FA, Koesmaryono Y, Stiegler C, Knohl A (2022) Vulnerability of Primary Productivity and Its Carbon Use Efficiency to Unfavorable Climatic Conditions in Jambi Province, Indonesia. Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 54
  • Montoya-Sánchez V, Kreft H, Arimond I, Ballauf J, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Daniel R, Grass I, Hines J, Hölscher D, Irawan B, Krause A, Polle A, Potapov A, Sachsenmaier L, Scheu S, Sundawati L, Tscharntke T, Zemp DC, Guerrero-Ramírez N (2023) Landscape heterogeneity and soil biota are central to multi-taxa diversity for oil palm landscape restoration. Communications Earth & Environment 4: 209
  • Nguyen TA, Ehbrecht M, Camarretta N (2023) Application of point cloud data to assess edge effects on rainforest structural characteristics in tropical Sumatra, Indonesia. Lanscape Ecology 38: 1191-1208
  • Nguyen CH, Hapsari KA, Saad A, Sabiham S, Behling H (2023) Late Holocene riparian vegetation dynamics, environmental changes, and human impact in the Harapan forest of Sumatra, Indonesia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1-14
  • Nisa A, Triadiati, Sulistijorini, Kotowska MM (2023) Xylem Vessels Traits of Oil Palm Roots Influenced by Root Diameter and Soil Hydrological Regime. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 31: 171-187
  • Pollierer MM, Drescher J, Potapov A, Kasmiatun, Mawan A, Mutiari M, Nazarreta R, Hidayat P, Buchori D, Scheu S (2023) Rainforest conversion to plantations fundamentally alters energy fluxes and functions in canopy arthropod food webs. Ecology Letters 26: 1663-1675
  • Potapov AM, Guerra CA, van den Hoogen J, Babenko A, Bellini BC, Berg MP, Chown SL, Deharveng L, Kováč Ľ, Kuznetsova NA, Ponge J-F, Potapov MB, Russell DJ, Alexandre D, Alatalo JM, Arbea JI, Bandyopadhyaya I, Bernava V, Bokhorst S, Bolger T, Castaño-Meneses G, Chauvat M, Chen T-W, Chomel M, Classen AT, Cortet J, Čuchta P, de la Pedrosa AM, Ferreira SSD, Fiera C, Filser F, Franken O, Fujii S, Koudji EG, Gao M, Gendreau-Berthiaume B, Gomez-Pamies DF, Greve M, Handa IT, Heiniger C, Holmstrup M, Homet P, Ivask M, Janion-Scheepers C, Jochum M, Joimel S, Jorge BCS, Jucevica E, Ferlian O, de Oliveira Filho LCI, Klauberg-Filho O, Baretta D, Krab EJ, Kuu A, de Lima ECA, Lin D, Lindo Z, Liu A, Lu J-Z, Luciañez MJ, Marx MT, McCary MA, Minor MA, Nakamori T, Negri I, Ochoa-Hueso R, Palacios-Vargas JG, Pollierer MM, Querner P, Raschmanová N, Rashid MI, Raymond-Léonard LJ, Rousseau L, Saifutdinov RA, Salmon S, Sayer EJ, Scheunemann N, Scholz C, Seeber J, Shveenkova YB, Stebaeva SK, Sterzynska M, Sun X, Susanti WI, Taskaeva AA, Thakur MP, Tsiafouli MA, Turnbull MS, Twala MN, Uvarov AV, Venier LA, Widenfalk LA, Winck BR, Winkler D, Wu D, Xie Z, Yin R, Zeppelini D, Crowther TW, Eisenhauer N, Scheu S (2023) Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails. Nature Communications 14: 674
  • Pulungan ZM, Priawandiputra W, Grass I, Li K, Raffiudin R (2023) Tropical lowland rainforest conversion to monoculture affects flight activity and resource intake of stingless bees. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 20:88-100
  • Rosyani, Mukhlis F, Fazryas, Neliyati, Napitupulu DM, Nizori A, Faust H (2023) Promoting Spatial Partnership and Community Perception for the Preservation of Orang Kayo Hitam Grand Forest Park (GFP) in Jambi Provinvce, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography 55: 378-384
  • Röll A, Kang T, Hahn P, Ahongshangbam J, Ellsäßer F, Hendrayanto, Sharma P, Wintz T, Hölscher D (2023) Complex canopy structures control tree transpiration: A study based on 3D modelling in a tropical rainforest. Hydrological Processes 37: e15045
  • Ryadi A, Siregar I, Moura CCM, Gailing O, Amandita FY (2023) An Early Reference to DNA Barcode for the Anacardiaceae Family HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 30: 543-550
  • Schlund M, Wenzel A, Camarretta N, Stiegler C, Erasmi S (2023) Vegetation canopy height estimation in tropical landscapes with TanDEM-X supported by GEDI data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 1639-1656
  • Seufert JD, Python A, Weisser C, Cisneros E, Kis-Katos K, Kneib T (2022) Mapping ex ante risks of COVID-19 in Indonesia using a Bayesian geostatistical model on airport network data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185: 2121–2155
  • Sibhatu KT (2023) Oil Palm Boom: Its Socioeconomic Use and Abuse. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7
  • Stiegler C, June T, Markwitz C, Camarretta N, Ali AA, Knohl A (2023) Wind regimes above and below a dense oil palm canopy: Detection of decoupling and its implications on CO2 flux estimates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341: 109668
  • Stiegler C, Koebsch F, Ali AA, June T, Veldkamp E, Corre MD, Koks J, Tjoa A, Knohl A (2023) Temporal variation in nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from an oil palm plantation in Indonesia: An ecosystem-scale analysis. Bioenergy 15: 1221-1239
  • Tabe-Ojong MP, Alamsyah Z, Sibhatu KT (2023) Oil palm expansion, food security and diets: Comparative Evidence from Cameroon and Indonesia. Journal of Cleaner Production 418: 138085
  • Teklemariam DM, Gailing O, Siregar IZ, Amandita FY, Moura CCM (2023) Integrative taxonomy using the plant core DNA barcodes in Sumatra's Burseraceae. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9935
  • Waite PA, Leuschner C, Delzon S, Triadiati, Saad A, Schuldt B (2023) Plasticity of wood and leaf traits related to hydraulic efficiency and safety is linked to evaporative demand and not soil moisture in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis). Tree Physiology 43: 2131-2149
  • Zemp DC, Guerrero-Ramirez N, Brambach F, Darras K, Grass I, Potapov A, Röll A, Arimond I, Ballauff J, Behling H, Berkelmann D, Biagioni S, Buchori D, Craven D, Daniel R, Gailing O, Ellsäßer F, Fardiansah R, Hennings N, Irawan B, Khokthong W, Krashevska V, Krause A, Kückes J, Li K, Lorenz H, Maraun M, Merk MS, Moura CCM, Mulyani YA, Paterno GB, Pebrianti HD, Polle A, Prameswari DA, Sachsenmaier L, Scheu S, Schneider D, Setiajiati F, Setyaningsih CA, Sundawati L, Tscharntke T, Wollni M, Hölscher D, Kreft H (2023) Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes. Nature
  • Zhou Z, Lu J-Z, Preiser J, Widyastuti R, Scheu S, Potapov A (2023) Plant roots fuel tropical soil animal communities. Ecology Letters


  • Ali AA, Fan Y, Corre MD, Kotowska MM, Preuss-Hassler E, Cahyo AN, Moyano FE, Stiegler C, Röll A, Meijide A, Olchev A, Ringeler A, Leuschner C, Ariani R, June T, Tarigan S, Kreft H, Hölscher D, Xu C, Koven CD, Dagon K, Fisher RA, Veldkamp E, Knohl A (2022) Implementing a new rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) improves accuracy of carbon and water flux estimation. Land 11: 183
  • Azhar A, Hartke TR, Böttges L, Lang T, Larasati A, Novianti N, Tawakkal I, Hidayat P, Buchori D, Scheu S, Drescher J (2022) Rainforest conversion to cash crops reduces abundance, biomass and species richness of parasitoid wasps in Sumatra, Indonesia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology: 1– 10
  • Brad A, Hein J (2022) Towards transnational agrarian conflicts? Global NGOs, transnational agrobusiness and local struggles for land on Sumatra. New Political Economy 28
  • Chrisendo D, Siregar H, Qaim M (2022) Oil palm cultivation improves living standards and human capital formation in smallholder farm households. World Development 159: 106034
  • Dalheimer B, Kubitza C, Brümmer B (2021) Technical efficiency and farmland expansion: Evidence from oil palm smallholders in Indonesia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104: 1364-1387
  • Darras KFA, Yusti E, Knorr A, Huang JCC, Kartono AP, Zemp DC, Ilham (2022) Sampling‌ ‌flying‌ ‌bats‌ ‌with‌ ‌thermal‌ ‌and‌ ‌near-infrared‌ ‌imaging‌ ‌and‌ ‌ultrasound‌ ‌recording:‌ ‌hardware‌ ‌and‌ ‌workflow‌ ‌for‌ ‌bat‌ ‌point‌ ‌counts‌. F1000Research 10: 189
  • Eisenhauer N, Bender SF, Calderón-Sanou I, de Vries FT, Lembrechts JJ, Thuiller W, Wall DH, Zeiss R, Bahram M, Beugnon R, Burton VJ, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Geisen S, Kardol P, Krashevska V, Martínez-Muñoz CA, Patoine G, Seeber J, Soudzilovskaia N, Steinwandter M, Sünnemann M, Sun X, Guerra CA, Potapov A (2022) Frontiers in soil ecology - insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 1: 245-261
  • Halmschlag CB, Moura CCM, Brambach F, Siregar IZ, Gailing O (2022) Molecular and morphological survey of Lamiaceae species in converted landscapes in Sumatra. PLoS ONE 17: e0277749
  • Hapsari KA, Jennerjahn T, Behling H (2022) The future of the past: Applications of paleoecological findings in peatland restoration in Indonesia. Past Global Changes Magazine 30: 14-15
  • Hennings N, Fricke KM, Damris M, Dippold MA, Kuzyakov Y (2022) Management extensification in oil palm plantations reduces SOC decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165: 108535
  • Husmann K, von Groß V, Bödeker K, Fuchs JM, Paul C, Knoke T (2022) optimLanduse: A package for multiobjective land-cover composition optimization under uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13: 2719-2728
  • Jamaluddinsyah, Sulistijorini, Waite PA, Kotowska MM, Brambach F, Schuldt B, Triadiati (2022) Tree height effects on vascular anatomy of upper-canopy twigs across a wide range of tropical rainforest species. Journal of Tropical Ecology 38: 416-425
  • Kasmiatun, Hartke TR, Buchori D, Hidayat P, Siddikah F, Amrulloh R, Hiola MS, Najmi L, Noerdjito WA, Scheu S, Drescher J (2022) Rainforest conversion to smallholder cash crops leads to varying declines of beetles (Coleoptera) on Sumatra. Biotropica 55: 119-131
  • Klimes P, Drescher J, Buchori D, Hidayat P, Nazarreta R, Potocky P, Rimandai M, Scheu S, Matos-Maraví P (2022) Uncovering cryptic diversity in the enigmatic ant genus Overbeckia and insights into the phylogeny of Camponotini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae). Invertebrate Systematics 36: 557-579
  • Krashevska V, Stiegler C, June T, Widyastuti R, Knohl, Scheu S, Potapov A (2022) Land-use change shifts and magnifies seasonal variations of the decomposer system in lowland tropical landscapes. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9020
  • Kühling M, Alamsyah Z, Sibhatua KT (2022) Agrarian change, livelihood dynamics and welfare outcomes: Evidence from plantation crop farmers in Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Management 311: 114864
  • Li K, Grass I, Fung TY, Fardiansah R, Rohlfs M, Buchori D, Tscharntke T (2022) Adjacent forest moderates insect pollination of oil palm. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 338: 108108
  • Mawan A, Hartke TR, Deharveng L, Zhang F, Buchori D,  Scheu S, Drescher J (2022) Response of arboreal Collembola communities to the conversion of lowland rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations. BMC Ecology and Evolution (22) 144
  • Mehraban N, Debela BL, Kalsum U, Qaim M (2022) What about her? Oil palm cultivation and intra-household gender roles. Food Policy 110: 102276
  • Moura CCM, Setyaningsih CA, Li K, Merk MS, Schröck S, Raffiudin R, Grass I, Behling H, Tscharntke T, Westphal C, Gailing O (2022) Biomonitoring via DNA metabarcoding and light microscopy of bee pollen in rainforest transformation landscapes of Sumatra. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22: 51
  • Nguyen CH, Setyaningsih CI, Jahnk SL, Saad A, Sabiham S, Behling H (2022) Forest dynamics and agroforestry history since AD 200 in the highland of Sumatra, Indonesia. Forest 19: 1473
  • Nur E, Barus H, Finkeldey R, Polle A (2022) Host plant richness and environment in tropical forest transformation systems shape arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal richness. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1004097
  • Pashkevich MD, Luke SH, Aryawan AAK, Waters HS, Caliman J-P, Dupérré N, Naim M, Potapov AM, Turner EC (2022) Riparian buffers made of mature oil palms have inconsistent impacts on oil palm ecosystems. Ecological Applications: e2552
  • Ramos D, Hartke TR, Buchori D, Dupérré N, Hidayat P, Lia M, Harms D, Scheu S, Drescher J (2022) Rainforest conversion to rubber and oil palm reduces abundance, biomass and diversity of canopy spiders. PeerJ 10:e13898
  • Reith E, Gosling E, Knoke T, Paul C (2022) Exploring trade-offs in agro-ecological landscapes: using a multi-objective land-use allocation model to support agroforestry research. Basic and Applied Ecolology 64: 103-119
  • Rudolf K, Edison E, Wollni M (2022) Achieving landscape patterns for biodiversity conservation through payments for ecosystem services – Evidence from a field experiment in Indonesia. Ecological Economics 193: 107319
  • Ruml A, Chrisendo D, Iddrisu AM, Karakara AA, Nuryartono N, Osabuohien E, Lay J (2022) Smallholders in agro-industrial production: Lessons for rural development from a comparative analysis of Ghana’s and Indonesia’s oil palm sectors. Land Use Policy 119:106196
  • Ryadin AR, Janz D, Schneider D, Tjoa A, Irawan B, Daniel R, Polle A (2022) Early effects of fertilizer and herbicide reduction on root-associated biota in oil palm plantations. Agronomy 12: 199
  • Sibhatu KT, Steinhübel L, Siregar H, Qaim M, Wollni M (2022) Spatial heterogeneity in smallholder oil palm production. Forest Policy and Economics 139: 102731
  • Simpkins CE, Hanß S, Spangenberg MC, Salecker J, Hesselbarth MHK, Wiegand K (2022) spectre: an R package to estimate spatially-explicit community composition using sparse data. Ecography 2022: e06272
  • Tsyganov A, Malysheva E, Mazei YA, Hapsari A, Behling H, Sabiham S, Biagioni S, Krashevska V (2022) Species- and Trait-Based Reconstructions of the Hydrological Regime in a Tropical Peatland (Central Sumatra, Indonesia) during the Holocene Using Testate Amoebae. Diversity 14; 1058
  • von der Lühe B, Bezler K, Hughes HJ, Greenshields B, Tjoa A, Sauer D (2022) Oil-palm and rainforest phytoliths dissolve at different rates - with implications for silicon cycling after transformation of rainforest into oil-palm plantation. Silicon 15:1347–1354
  • Wardani IGAK, Armandita FY, Moura CCM, Gailing O, Siregar IZ (2022) Molecular taxonomy via DNA barcodes for species identification in selected genera of Fabaceae. Journal of Natural Ressources and Environmental Management 12
  • Willkomm N, Setyaningsih CA, Saad A, Sabiham S, Sauer D, Behling H (2022) Late Holocene volcanic and human impacts on the mountain vegetation in central Sumatra, Indonesia. Quaternary International 622: 77-88
  • Zhou Z, Krashevska V, Widyastuti R, Scheu S, Potapov A (2022) Tropical land use alters functional diversity of soil food webs and leads to monopolization of the detrital energy channel. eLife 11:e75428


  • Ali AA, Nugroho B, Moyano FE, Brambach F, Jenkins MW, Pangle R, Stiegler C, Blei E, Cahyo AN, Olchev A, Irawan B, Ariani R, June T, Tarigan S, Corre MD, Veldkamp E, Knohl A (2021) Using a bottom-up approach to scale leaf photosynthetic traits of oil palm, rubber, and two coexisting tropical woody species. Forests 12: 359
  • Ballauff J, Schneider D, Edy N, Irawan B, Daniel R, Polle A (2021) Shifts in root and soil chemistry drive the assembly of belowground fungal communities in tropical land-use systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 154: 108140
  • Benezoli VH, Imbuzeiro HMA, Cuadra SV, Colmanetti MAA, de Araújo AC, Stiegler C, Motoike SY (2021) Modeling oil palm crop for Brazilian climate conditions. Agricultural Systems 190: 103130
  • Budi B, Kartodihardjo H, Nugroho B, Mardiana R (2021) Implementation of social forestry policy: Analysis of community access. Forest and Society 5: 60-74
  • Camarretta N, Ehbrecht M, Seidel D, Wenzel A , Zuhdi M, Merk MS, Schlund M , Erasmi S, Knohl A (2021) Using airborne laser scanning to characterize land-use systems in a tropical landscape based on vegetation structural metrics. Remote Sensing 13: 4794
  • Chrisendo D, Siregar H, Qaim M (2021) Oil palm and structural transformation of agriculture in Indonesia. Agricultural Economics 52: 1-14
  • Cisneros E, Kis-Katosa K, Nuryartono N (2021) Palm oil and the politics of deforestation in Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 108: 102453
  • Darras KFA, Yusti E, Huang JCC, Zemp DC, Kartono AP, Wanger TC (2021) Bat point counts: A novel sampling method shines light on flying bat communities. Ecology and Evolution: November 2021
  • Ellsäßer F, Stiegler C, Röll A, June T, Hendrayanto, Knohl A, Hölscher D (2021) Predicting evapotranspiration from drone-based thermography – a method comparison in a tropical oil palm plantation. Biogeosciences 18: 861-872
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