Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Auslandsstudienberatung

Welcome to the Study Abroad Advisory from the Faculty of Business and Economics!

We are happy to support you with your questions about...

  • studying abroad
  • different options for an exchange semester
  • recognition of courses you have completed abroad
  • spending an exchange semester in Göttingen (for international students)


We kindly invite all international (exchange) students who are joining us this winter semester 2024/25 to our Faculty Welcome Day on Wednesday, 16 October 2024.

We will kick off the day with an introduction and welcome event by the faculty's incoming office. You will learn all you need to know about studying at the faculty, your courses, course registration and exams. We offer two different workshops about studying in Göttingen and our online systems. After a lunch break, our local students will offer a campus and city tour in small groups, so you can get to know your campus and your new home. In the evening, you are invited to join the first Exchange@WiWi Stammtisch of the semester - get together with your fellow international students and local students from Göttingen in a local bar in the city center.

  • Welcome and Introduction Event: 9.30 am - 12.30 pm, VG 2.102
  • Campus & City Tour: 2 - 3pm, meeting in front of the Oeconomicum main entrance
  • Exhchange@WiWi Stammtisch: from 9 pm on, meeting point will be announced soon

P.S. The international office (Göttingen International) also invites you to a welcome day on Wednesday, 9 October 2024. Please find more information here.

You can join our office hours every Tuesday on campus and via phone. The Erasmus+ office hours from our tutor team (for outgoing students) is offered during the lecture period. Please find further information and updates on "Office Hours".

The Faculty of Business and Economics' Study Abroad Advisory team is one of the three pillars of the advisory services and works in close collaboration with the examination office and student advisory services in the Service-Centre for Students of the Faculty of Business and Economics.