To a person holding at least a doctoral degree, the graduate committee can, in exceptional cases, grant examination authorisation restricted to a certain doctoral process (individual examination authorisation), provided their participation in the doctoral examination is necessary or advantageous.
Name | Dr. rer. nat. |
Albert, PD Dr. Matthias | |
Ammer, Prof. Dr. Christian | ✓ |
Balkenhol, Prof. Dr. Niko | ✓ |
Bolte, Prof. Dr. Andreas | |
Brischke, Prof. Dr. Christian | |
Corre, Dr. Marife | ✓ |
Dieter, Prof. Dr. Matthias | |
Euring, PD Dr. Markus | ✓ |
Flessa, Prof. Dr. Heinz | ✓ |
Gailing, Prof. Dr. Oliver | ✓ |
Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Henrik | |
Hölscher, Prof. Dr. Dirk | ✓ |
Jaeger, Prof. Dr. Dirk | |
Kleinn, Prof. Dr. Christoph | ✓ |
Knohl, Prof. Dr. Alexander | ✓ |
Kreft, Prof. Dr. Holger | ✓ |
Krott, Prof. Dr. Max | |
Kües, Prof. Dr. Ursula | ✓ |
Kurth, Prof. Dr. Winfried | ✓ |
Leinemann, PD Dr. Ludger | |
Leuschner, Prof. Dr. Christoph | |
Mai, Prof. Dr. Carsten | ✓ |
Militz, Prof. Dr. Holger | ✓ |
Mitlöhner, Prof. Dr. Ralph | |
Möhring, Prof. Dr. Bernhard | |
Müller, PD Dr. Markus | |
Paul, Prof. Dr. Carola | |
Polle, Prof. Dr. Andrea | ✓ |
Schuldt, Prof. Dr. Andreas | ✓ |
Seidel, Prof. Dr. Dominik | |
Teichert, Dr. Ines | |
Veldkamp, Prof. Dr. Edzo | ✓ |
Wiegand, Prof. Dr. Kerstin | ✓ |
Zhang, Prof. Dr. Kai | ✓ |