Dr. Philipp Schlotzhauer
Research interests
- Hardwood for use in construction
- Strength grading
- Fibre orientation determintation
- Determination of static characteristics
- Solid wood gluing (surface & finger joint)
- Yield optimisation
- Sawmill technology
- Sawn-wood drying
- HoMaba
- KlimaKleb
- Laubholz - Innovationsverbund - ZIM-Cooperation Network
- Gerlau - Utilisation-oriented investigations of low-value hardwood assortments for the production of innovative products
- meerHolzbau - ZIM-Cooperation Network
- Nachwuchsgruppe - New markets and applications for native hardwood species
- Technical wood drying
- Strength grading
- Contact person for Holzbearbeitung
Supervision of student theses (for data protection reasons, the authors names have been made anonymous)
Master theses
- Untersuchungen zur Imprägnierung von Buchenfurnieren mit Sorbitol und Zitronensäure (SorCA) mit dem Ziel der Herstellung von klebstofffreien Sperrhölzern
- Fixation of TPC by joint treatment with curing resin SorCA
- Birch structural timber – Distribution of strength related wood characteristics and their influence on bending properties
- Structural timber from close to pith beech wood assortments - Investigations into the distribution of strength-relevant wood characteristics and their influence on bending properties
- Performance of selected Type I adhesive systems for bonding untreated and modified hardwoods
- Comparative investigations into automatic determination of fibre orientation of hardwood lamellas
- Verification of normative properties of hardwood for load-bearing purposes
- Effect of size on tensile, compression and bending strengths of six European hardwood species
Bachelor theses
- Untersuchungen zum Querdruckverhalten von Birken-Bauholz
- Impact of Aging Time on Phenol Formaldehyde Impregnated Veneers from Birch and Spruce for Plywood and LVL
- Studies on the perpendicular to grain compression behaviour of birch structural timber
- Elasto-mechanical tensile properties across the grain of beech, ash and maple wood
- Comparative investigations into determination of fibre orientation of hardwood lamellae
Project theses
- Volume yield increase of a balsa wood saw mill in Ecuador through cutting pattern optimization
- Report on forestry-related internship at the Georg Fehrensen GmbH sawmill
- Investigation into the sawn timber yield of maple and ash longwood sections for the provision of green lamellae in glue laminated timber production
- Comparative tests of bending strength as a function of testing machine, testing speed, and type of wood
- Investigation into the visual & mechanical strength grading of hardwood lamellae for use in homogeneous glulam beams