Audisio M, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Schott I, Paligi SS, Mrak K, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Polle A (2024) Mycorrhization, root tip vitality and biomass of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Pseudotsuga menziesii in monospecific and mixed combinations under water reduction and nitrogen addition. Trees 38:695–708.
Paligi SS, Lichter J, Kotowska M, Schwutke RL, Audisio M, Mrak K, Penanhoat A, Schuldt B, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2024) Water status dynamics and drought tolerance of juvenile European beech, Douglas fir and Norway spruce trees as dependent on neighborhood and nitrogen supply. Tree Physiology 44: tpae044.
Penanhoat A, Guerrero Ramirez N, Aubry-Kientz M, Diekmann L, Paligi S, Audisio M, Mrak K, Seidel D (2024) Effect of competition intensity and neighbor identity on architectural traits of Fagus sylvatica. Trees 38:1177-1187.
Pape F, Fechtler T, Bleidorn C (2023) Bemerkenswerte Stechimmenfunde aus Südniedersachsen (Hymenoptera: Apiformes, Chrysididae, Vespidae). Ampulex 14: 64-70.
Rembold K, Aas G, Bayer C, Berg C, Burkart M, Fechtler T, Fischer M, Friesen N, Gliniars R, Gröger A, Hoffmann MH, Kehl A, Köhler L, König A, Kusber W-H, Lauerer M, Pietsch S, Pietzarka U, Rudolph K, Schepker H, Schlumpberger BO, Schmidt M, Schwerdtfeger M, Spaethe J, Steinecke H, Vogg G, von Hagen KB, Zippel E, Obermaier E (2023). Botanische Gärten als Orte urbaner Biodiversität. Natur und Landschaft 98(1): 10-18. DOI: 10.19217/NuL2023-01-02.
Nazari M, Bilyera N, Banfield C C, Mason-Jones K, Zarebanadkouki M, Munene R, Dippold M A (2022) Soil, climate, and variety impact on quantity and quality of maize root mucilage exudation. Plant Soil 482: 25–38.
Ficiciyan A M, Loos J, Tscharntke T (2021) Similar yield benefits of hybrid, conventional, and organic tomato and sweet pepper varieties under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.628537
Seyfullah L J, Roberts E A, Jardine P E, Schmidt A R (2021) Experimental induction of resins as a tool to understand variability in ambers. Fossil Record 24: 321–337.
Göbel L, Coners H, Hertel D, Willinghöfer S, Leuschner C (2019) The Role of Low Soil Temperature for Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance of Three Graminoids From Different Elevations. FRONT PLANT SCI 10: 1-9, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00330.
Leuschner C, Wedde P, Lübbe T (2019) The relation between pressure–volume curve traits and stomatal regulation of water potential in five temperate broadleaf tree species. ANN FOREST SCI 76: 60, doi:
Liese R, Leuschner C, Meier IC (2019) The effect of drought and season on root life span in temperate arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal tree species. Journal of Ecology 107:2226-2239.
Fuchs S, Leuschner C, Link R, Coners H, Schuldt B (2017) Calibration and comparison of thermal dissipation, heat ratio and heat field deformation sap flow probes for diffuse-porous trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 244/245: 151-161.
Liese R, Alings K, Meier IC (2017) Root branching is a leading root trait of the plant economics spectrum in temperate trees. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00315: 1-12.
Lübbe T, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2017) Acclimation of leaf water status and stem hydraulics to drought and tree neighborhood: alternative strategies among the saplings of five temperate deciduous tree species. Tree Physiology 37: 456-468.
Schwerbrock R, Leuschner C (2017) Vulnerability analysis of the rare and endangered woodland fern Polystichum braunii in Germany: three possible causes of population decline. Plant Ecology & Diversity DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2017.1379569: 1-15.
Schwerbrock R, Leuschner C (2017) Foliar water uptake, a widespread phenomenon in temperate woodland ferns? Plant Ecology 218: 555-563.
Lübbe T, Schuldt B, Coners H, Leuschner C (2016) Species diversity and identity effects on the water consumption of tree sapling assemblages under ample and limited water supply. Oikos 125: 86-97.
Meier IC, Leuschner C, Marini E, Fender AC (2016) Species-specific effects of temperate trees on greenhouse gas exchange of forest soil are diminished by drought. Soil Biology and Biochemistry: 122-134.
Schwerbrock R, Leuschner C (2016) Air humidity as key determinant of morphogenesis and productivity of the rare temperate woodland fern Polystichum braunii. Plant Biology 18: 649-657.
Knutzen F, Meier IC, Leuschner C (2015) Does reduced precipitation trigger physiological and morphological drought adaptations in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)? Comparing provenances across a precipitation gradient. Tree Physiology 35: 949-963.
Lübbe T, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2015) Species identity and neighbor size surpass the impact of tree species diversity on productivity in experimental broad-leaved tree sapling assemblages under dry and moist conditions. Frontiers in Plant Sience 6: 857.
Carsjens C, Ngoc QN, Guzy J, Knutzen F, Meier IC, Müller M, Finkeldey R, Leuschner C, Polle A (2014) Intra-specific variations in expression of stress-related genes in beech progenies are stronger than drought-induced responses. Tree Physiology 34: 1348-1361.
Hajek P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2014) Root order- and root age-dependent response of two poplar species to belowground competition. Plant and Soil 377: 337-355.
Toivonen JM, Horna V, Kessler M, Ruokolainen K, Hertel D (2014) Interspecific variation in functional traits in relation to species climatic niche optima in Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) tree species: evidence for climatic adaptations. Functional Plant Biology 41: 301-312.
Valtanen K, Eissfeller V, Beyer F, Hertel D, Scheu S, Polle A (2014) Carbon and nitrogen fluxes between beech and their ectomycorrhizal assemblage. Mycorrhiza 24: 645-650.
Cesarz S, Fender AC, Beyer F, Valtanen K, Pfeiffer B, Gansert D, Hertel D, Polle A, Daniel R, Leuschner C, Scheu S (2013) Roots from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) differentially affect soil microorganisms and carbon dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61: 23-32.
Beyer F, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Fine root morphological and functional traits in Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior saplings as dependent on species, root order and competition. Plant and Soil 373: 143-156.
Dulamsuren C, Wommelsdorf T, Zhao F, Xue Y, Zhumadilov B Z , Leuschner C, Hauck M (2013) Increased summer temperatures reduce the growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica in southern boreal forests of eastern Kazakhstan. Ecosystems 16: 1536-1549.
Eissfeller V, Beyer F, Valtanen K, Hertel D, Maraun M, Polle P, Scheu S (2013) Incorporation of plant carbon and microbial nitrogen into the rhizosphere food web of beech and ash. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62: 76-81.
Beyer F, Hertel D, Jung K, Fender AC, Leuschner C (2013) Competition effects on fine root survival of Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior. Forest Ecology and Management 302: 14-22.
Fender AC, Leuschner C, Schützenmeister K, Gansert D, Jungkunst H (2013) Rhizosphere effects of tree species - Large reduction of N2O emission by saplings of ash, but not of beech, in temperate forest soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 54: 7-15.
Fender AC, Gansert D, Jungkunst H, Fiedler S, Beyer F, Schützenmeister K, Thiele B, Valtanen K, Polle A, Leuschner C (2013) Root-induced tree species effects on the source/sink strength for greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O and CO2) of a temperate deciduous forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57: 587-597.
Pfeiffer B, Fender AC, Lasota S, Hertel D, Jungkunst H, Daniel R (2013) Leaf litter is the main driver for changes in bacterial community structures in the rhizosphere of ash and beech. Applied Soil Ecology 72: 150-60.
Fender AC, Pfeiffer B, Gansert D, Leuschner C, Daniel R, Jungkunst HF (2012) The inhibiting effect of nitrate fertilisation on methane uptake of a temperate forest soil is influenced by labile carbon. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48: 621-631.
Seidel D, Beyer F, Hertel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2011) 3D-laser scanning: A non-destructive method for studying above- ground biomass and growth of juvenile trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1305-1311.
Fender A-C, Mantilla-Contreras J, Leuschner C (2011) Multiple environmental control of leaf area and its significance for productivity in beech saplings. Trees 25: 847-857.
Erfmeier A, Tsaliki M, Roß CA, Bruelheide H (2011) Genetic and phenotypic differentiation between invasive and native Rhododendron (Ericaceae) taxa and the role of hybridization. Ecology and Evolution 1: 392-407.
Schmidt-Lebuhn AN, Fuchs J, Hertel D, Hirsch H, Toivonen J, Kessler M (2010) An Andean radiation: polyploidy in the tree genus Polylepis (Rosaceae, Sanguisorbeae). Plant Biology 12: 917-926.
Rose L, Leuschner C, Köckemann B, Buschmann H (2009) Are marginal beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances a source for drought tolerant ecotypes? European Journal of Forest Research 128: 335-343.
Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 133-138.
Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge-calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis. Plant and Soil 319: 49-56.
Lendzion J, Leuschner C. (2009) Temperate forest herbs are adapted to high air humidity - evidence from climate chamber and humidity manipulation experiments in the field. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 2332-2342.
Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C (2009) Lichen substances prevent lichens from nutrient deficiency. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 71-73.
Hauck M, Paul A, Leuschner C (2009) Element uptake in thalli of the lichen Physcia caesia from sandstone and calcareous substratum. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 839-842.
Dölle M, Schmidt W (2009) Impact of tree species on nutrient and light availability: evidence from a permanent plot study of old-field succession. Plant Ecology 203: 273-287.
Schmidt W, Dölle M, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Parth A (2009) Neophytes in old-field succession-results of a permanent plot study. Tuexenia 29: 236-260.
Thomas FM, Sprenger S (2008) Responses of two closely related oak species, Quercus robur and Q. petraea, to excess manganese concentrations in the rooting medium. Tree Physiology 28, 343-353.
Meier IC, Leuschner C (2008) Genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity in the drought response of fine roots of European beech. Tree Physiology 28: 297-309.
Lendzion J, Leuschner C (2008) Growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings is limited by elevated atmospheric vapour pressure deficits. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 648-655.
Hauck M, Jürgens S-R (2008) Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens. Environmental Pollution 156: 115-122.
Hauck M (2008) Susceptibility to acidic precipitation contributes to the decline of the terricolous lichens Cetraria aculeata and Cetraria islandica in central Europe. Environmental Pollution 152: 731-735.
Hauck M (2008) Metal homeostasis in Hypogymnia physodes is controlled by lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 153: 304-308.
Dölle M, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Parth A, Schmidt W (2008) Changes in life history trait composition during undisturbed old-field succession. Flora 203: 508-522.
Thomas FM, Bartels C, Gieger T (2006) Alterations in vessel size in twigs of Quercus robur and Q. petraea upon defoliation and consequences for water transport under drought. IAWA Journal 27: 395-407.
Aspelmeier S, Leuschner C (2006) Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth): leaf and root morphology and carbon partitioning. Trees: 20: 42-52.
Kluth C, Bruelheide H (2005) Effects of range position, inter-annual variation and density on demographic transition rates of Hornungia petraea populations. Oecologia 145: 382-393.
Kluth C, Bruelheide H (2005) Central and peripheral Hornungia petraea populations: patterns and dynamics. Journal of Ecology 93: 584-595.
Gieger T, Thomas FM (2005) Differential response of two Central-European oak species to single and combined stress factors. Trees: 19: 607-618.
Erfmeier A, Bruelheide H (2005) Invasive and native Rhododendron ponticum populations: is there evidence for genotypic differences in germination and growth? Ecography 28: 417-428.
Scheidel U, Bruelheide H (2004) The impact of altitude and simulated herbivory on the growth and carbohydrate storage of Petasites albus. Plant Biology 6: 740-745.
Scheidel U, Bruelheide H (2004) Age-specific and season-specific mollusk damage to seedlings of grassland Asteraceae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 131: 140-149.
Paul A, Hauck M, Langenfeld-Heyser R (2004) Ultrastructural changes in soredia of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes cultivated with manganese. Environmental and Experimental Botany 52: 139-147.
Aspelmeier S, Leuschner C (2004) Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula): leaf water status and carbon gain. Tree Physiology 24: 517-528.
Paul A, Hauck M, Fritz E (2003) Effects of manganese on element distribution and structure in thalli of the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Lecanora conizaeoides. Environmental and Experimental Botany 50: 113-124.
Hauck M, Zöller, T (2003) Copper sensitivity of soredia of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Lichenologist 35: 271-274.
Bruelheide H (2003) Translocation of a montane meadow to simulate the potential impact of climate change. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 23-34.
Leuschner C (2002) Air humidity as an ecological factor for woodland herbs: leaf water status, nutrient uptake, leaf anatomy, and productivity of eight species grown at low or high vpd levels. Flora 197: 262-–274.
Hauck M, Paul A, Mulack M, Fritz E, Runge M (2002) Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 47: 127-142.
Hauck M, Mulack M, Paul A (2002) Manganese uptake in the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes and Lecanora conizaeoides. Environmental and Experimental Botany 48: 107-116.
Gieger T, Thomas FM (2002) Effects of defoliation and drought stress on biomass partitioning and water relations of Quercus robur and Quercus petraea. Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 171-181.
Bruelheide H, Lieberum K (2001) Experimental tests for determining the causes of the altitudinal distribution of Meum athamanticum Jacq. in the Harz Mountains. Flora 196: 227-241.
Thomas FM, Hilker C (2000) Nitrate reduction in leaves and roots of young pedunculate oaks (Quercus robur) growing on different nitrate concentrations. Environmental and Experimental Botany 43: 19-32.
Thomas FM, Gausling T (2000) Morphological and physiological responses of oak seedlings (Quercus petraea and Q. robur) to moderate drought. Annals of Forest Sciences 57: 325-333.
Thomas FM (2000) Growth and water relations of four deciduous tree species (Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl., Q. pubescens Willd., Sorbus aria [L.] Cr.) occurring at Central-European tree-line sites on shallow calcareous soils: physiological reactions of seedlings to severe drought. Flora 195: 104-115.
Schmull M, Thomas FM (2000) Morphological and physiological reactions of young deciduous trees (Quercus robur L., Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl., Fagus sylvatica L.) to waterlogging. Plant and Soil 225: 227-242.
Bruelheide H, Flintrop T (2000) Evaluating the transplantation of a meadow in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Biological Conservation 92: 109-120.
Bruelheide H (2000) Population dynamics of endangered species in a transplanted montane meadow. Folia Geobotanica 35: 179-189.
Thomas FM, Schafellner C (1999) Effects of excess nitrogen and drought on the foliar concentrations of allelochemicals in young oaks (Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.). Journal of Applied Botany 73: 222-227.
Thomas FM, Ahlers U (1999) Effects of excess nitrogen on frost hardiness and freezing injury of above-ground tissue in young oaks (Quercus petraea and Q. robur). New Phytologist 144: 73-83.
Scheidel U, Bruelheide H (1999) Selective slug grazing on montane meadow plants. Journal of Ecology 87: 828-838.
Bruelheide H, Scheidel U (1999) Slug herbivory as a limiting factor for the geographical range of Arnica montana. Journal of Ecology 87: 839-848.
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