Dr. Hengrong Luo was a GlobalFood member from 2017-2020. He was working in the Subproject B2: Dynamics and Quality in Food Demand, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaohua Yu. He defended his PhD thesis in July 2020. His empirical work focuses on dietary structural change and nutrition transition in China.


Hengrong Luo

Research Interests

Applied Econometrics & Statistics
Consumer Theory



Peer-reviewed publications:

Working papers:

  • Yu, X., Luo, H. (2020). Holiday and weight gain, evidence from National Day holiday in China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper No.146. https://www.unigoettingen.de/de/213486.html
  • Yu, X., Luo, H. (2020). Meat consumption, dietary structure and nutrition transition in China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper No.147. https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/213486.html
  • Yu, X., Luo, H. (2020). Food Facility, Dietary Patterns, and Obesity in China. Working Paper

  • Languages
    Chinese, English