Authorised Examiners

at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology

To a person holding at least a doctoral degree, the graduate committee can, in exceptional cases, grant examination authorisation restricted to a certain doctoral process (individual examination authorisation), provided their participation in the doctoral examination is necessary or advantageous.
NameDr. rer. nat.
Albert, PD Dr. Matthias
Ammer, Prof. Dr. Christian
Balkenhol, Prof. Dr. Niko
Bolte, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Brischke, Prof. Dr. Christian
Corre, Dr. Marife
Dieter, Prof. Dr. Matthias
Euring, PD Dr. Markus
Flessa, Prof. Dr. Heinz
Gailing, Prof. Dr. Oliver
Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Henrik
Hölscher, Prof. Dr. Dirk
Jaeger, Prof. Dr. Dirk
Kleinn, Prof. Dr. Christoph
Knohl, Prof. Dr. Alexander
Kreft, Prof. Dr. Holger
Krott, Prof. Dr. Max
Kües, Prof. Dr. Ursula
Kurth, Prof. Dr. Winfried
Leinemann, PD Dr. Ludger
Leuschner, Prof. Dr. Christoph
Mai, Prof. Dr. Carsten
Militz, Prof. Dr. Holger
Mitlöhner, Prof. Dr. Ralph
Möhring, Prof. Dr. Bernhard
Müller, PD Dr. Markus
Paul, Prof. Dr. Carola
Polle, Prof. Dr. Andrea
Schuldt, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Seidel, Prof. Dr. Dominik
Teichert, Dr. Ines
Veldkamp, Prof. Dr. Edzo
Wiegand, Prof. Dr. Kerstin
Zhang, Prof. Dr. Kai