Dissertations (as of 2010)
Wellenbeck, Alexander: Assessment of biodiversity in national forest inventories; the example of Georgia (CaBOL Projekt, kooordiniert durch Museum König, Bonn; BMBF)
Freudenberg, Maximilian: Erzeugung einer Baumartenkarte für Deutschland auf Basis von Copernicus Satellitenbildern mittels neuronaler Netze: Grundlage zur Modellierung einer klimaangepassten Baumartenverbreitung
Straker, Adrian: Developing a Novel ALS Data-Based Framework to Support Forest Management Planning: Segmentation of Individual Trees in ALS Derived Point Clouds
Purnama, Edwine Setia (2025) Land cover change dynamics in Jambi, Province, Sumatra, Indonesia: Insights from spatiotemporal analysis
Jiang, Tao (2024): Integrating Deep Learning Techniques into Trees Outside Forests (TOF) Monitoring on High Resolution Satellite Imagery
Zihui, Zhu (2024): A new 3D description of tree crown - A study of urban trees
Trucios-Caciano, Ramon (2020): Quantifying the uncertainty caused by sampling, modeling, and field measurements in the estimation of AGB with information of the national forest inventory in Durango, Mexico
Kukunda, Collins B. (2019).: Scale Issues in Forest Biophysical Variable Estimation (Centre for Statistics | DFG-funded Research Training Group 1644 'Scaling Problems in Statistics' (P1-5))
Sarodja, Damayanti (2018): Integrating field and RapidEye data for above-ground biomass estimation: A study in the tropical peat-swamp forest of Sebangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Jenke, Almut (2018): International Forest Regime: Politics and Policies (Fragmentation of Information Procurement from Large Area Forest Inventory and the Link to the International Forest Regime-Complex)
Mo, Dengkui (2018): Further Developing Processing Techniques of Optical Satellite Images in the Context of Forst Monitoring
Melati, Dian Nuraini (2017): The use of remote sensing data to monitor land use systems and forest variables of the tropical rainforest landscape under transformation in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia (Collaborative Research Centre 990: Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia))
Aberle, Henning (2016): Hyperspectral remote sensing and field measurements for forest characteristics - a case study in the Hainich National Park, Central Germany
Nölke, Nils (2016): Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques into Forest Management: Selected Topics with a Focus on Thermal Remote Sensing
Tang, Xiaolu (2015): Estimation of Carbon Stock and Stock Change Depending on Management - A Case Study in Shitai County, China
Mundhenk, Philip (2014): Integrating Remotely Sensed Data into Forest Resource Inventories: the Impact of Model and Variable Selection on Estimates of Precision
Magdon, Paul (2013): Fernerkundliche Waldflächenerfassung im Kontext internationaler Umweltabkommen - Eine Analyse kritischer Faktoren
Beckschäfer, Philip (2013): Quantitative Characterization and Analysis of Forest Structure as a Basis to Develop Biodiversity Monitoring Tools for the Upper Mekong Region
Vega-Araya, Mauricio (2012): Application of Hyper-spectral and Radar Remote Sensing Analysis: A Case Study of Forest Landscapes in Costa Rica
Buschmann, Axel (2011): Bruthabitatmodelierung für den Rotmilan im EU-Vogelschutzgebiet "Unteres Eichsfeld" - Eine fernerkundungsgestützte Studie unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Landschaftsstruktur
Fischer, Christoph (2011): Further Development and Adaptation of Large Area Forest Inventories and Remote Sensing Applications to Comprehensive Data Providers for International Processes
Seidel, Dominik (2011): Terrestrial Laser Scanning – Applications in Forest Ecological Research (Co-supervisor Prof. Kleinn)
Yang, Haijun (2011): New Adaptive Plot Designs for Sampling Rare and Clustered Populations
Riyahi Bakhtyare, Hamid Reza (2010): Evaluation of the Capability of QuickBird Data for Automatic Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns in Sparse Deciduous Forests Case-Study in the Zagros Region of Iran