In Germany, enrolment in schools is mandatory for all children between the ages of 6 and 16. Home-schooling is not allowed.
The majority of all schools are public schools without school or tuition fees. However, there are costs for books, additional teaching materials, excursions, and school trips. There are also privately run schools, but their quality of education and facilities are not necessarily superior to those of public schools.
Göttingen offers a wide range of schools. You can find detailed information about the schools in and around Göttingen on the city's website. There, you can also find out more about the specialised subjects, extracurricular activities and bilingual programmes.
The German school year begins in August or early September and ends in June or July. The exact period varies from year to year and from state to state. There are roughly 12 weeks of school holidays per year, divided over 6 weeks in summer and other holidays (Easter, autumn, Christmas, winter).
Classes at primary and secondary schools start between 7:30 and 8:30 am. Most primary schools are half-day schools with classes only in the morning. However, more and more primary schools also offer after-school care (Hort). Some secondary schools are all-day schools.
- Schools information from the city of Göttingen
- Information from the state of Lower Saxony on the state school system
- Überblick der Arbeitsagentur zum Schulsystem in Niedersachsen
- Information on the school system in the Handbook Germany (available in several languages)
- Information on the school system in Lower Saxony from the working group of migrants and refugees
- Information on the school system in the Göttingen Campus Welcome Guide
Abteilung Göttingen International
Welcome Centre
Von-Siebold-Straße 4
37075 Göttingen