HACKEL, Eduard 1850 - 1926
born: Haida (Nový Bor), Bohemia died: Attersee, Upper Austria
1871 - 1900 teacher (grammar school prof.) in St. Pölten (Lower Austria). Spent retirement in Graz and Attersee. Botanist, important systematist of Gramineae (Poaceae).
Biography: DÖRFLER, I., Botaniker - Porträts No. 15. 1906.
Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark 63: XXIV - XXX. 1927.
Bull. Misc. Inf. (Kew Bull.) 1926: 251 - 253.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 130. 1959.
Herbarium: W
GOET: Lower Austria (also in BAENITZ, Herb. Europ.).
HAENKE, Thaddaeus Peregrinus Xaverius 1761 - 1816
born: Kreibitz (Northern Bohemia) died: Cochabamba ?
Naturalist. Member of the expedition party under MALASPINA which, between 1789 and 1793, explored areas of south and Central America and the Philippines. Resident in Cochabamba from 1796.
Biography: MAIWALD 1904: 103 ff.
Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 60A: 157 - 222. 1940.
KÜHNEL, J. 1960: Thaddaeus Haenke. Munich.
GICKLHORN, R. 1966: Thaddäus Haenkes Reisen und Arbeiten in
Südamerika. Wiesbaden.
MADULID, D.A. 1986: The life and work of Thaddaeus Haenke and his
contributions to Philippine botany. – Philipp. Sci. 23: 65-89.
Herbarium: PR
GOET: Peru, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Marianen (Hb. Bg.).
Revisions by: Several authors including; PRESL, reliquiae Haenkeanae.
Comments: BARTLING received the Rubiaceae for revision, during which he identified several
new species. These were published some time later by DE CANDOLLE 1830
(Prodr. 4).
HAESENDONCK, Gérard Constant van 1810 - 1881
born: Aerschot (Belgium) died: Tongerloo
General practitioner in Tongerloo. Botanist.
Biography: Bibl. Nat. Belg. 26: 418 - 421. 1936 - 38.
GOET Belgium in THIELENS & DE VOS, Kickxia Belgica.
HAHN, Leonhard Ernst Gottlob 1807 - 1887
born and died in Hanover
Doctor (Geh. Sanitätsrat) in Hanover. Also active in botanical and zoological research.
Biography: UDE 1897: 162 - 163.
WAGENITZ 1988: 70-71.
Herbarium: GOET (as herbarium of Dr. HAHN), Hanover, Bavaria, Italy.
GOET: Sweden "Flora Suecica" 1878 / 79 (Hb. Vo.), also in BAENITZ, Herb. Europ.
HALÁCSY, Eugen von 1842 - 1913
born and died in Vienna
Doctor and botanist. 1867; general practitioner in Vienna. 1896; doctor for an insurance company. Editor of several highly regarded floras of Lower Austria and Greece. Also Rubus specialist.
Biography: Verh. Zool. - Bot. Ges. Wien 64: 333 - 348. 1914.
Mag. Bot. Lap. 13: 10 - 17. 1914.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 156. 1959.
Herbarium: WU
GOET: A few specimens, Lower Austria.
HALL, Elihu 1822 - 1882
born: Patrick Co., Virginia died: Athens, Ill.
American plant (and mollusc) collector, temporary surveyor and farmer.
Biography: Bot. Gaz. 9: 59 - 62. 1884.
EWAN 1981.
Herbarium: F
GOET: USA: "Plantae Oregonenses" (acc. 1872).
HALLER, Albrecht (von) 1708 - 1777
born and died in Bern
Doctor (anatomy and physiology), botanist and poet. Studied in Tübingen and Leiden (with BOERHAAVE). Doctor in Bern. 1736 - 53; at the University of Göttingen as prof. for anatomy, surgery and botany. Contributed to the early fame of the ”Georgia Augusta” (University of Göttingen). First president of the scientific society (later academy). Took up several public posts in Switzerland from 1753 onwards. – In Göttingen he published a flora of Switzerland and of Göttingen and its surroundings.
Biography: HIRZEL, L. 1882 (ed. 2. 1917): Hallers Leben und Dichtungen. Einleitung
zu A.v. Hallers Gedichten. p. I - DXXXVI.
NDB 7: 441 - 448. 1967.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 6: 61 - 67. 1972.
Albrecht von Haller. Zum 200. Todestag. Göttingen 1977.
BALMER, H. 1977: Albrecht von Haller. Bern (= Berner Heimatbücher
Albrecht von Haller. Zehn Vorträge gehalten am Berner Haller - Symposium.
1977 (also in: Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges., Wiss. Teil).
WAGENITZ 1988: 71.
BOSCHUNG, U. 1994: Albrecht von Haller in Göttingen 1736-1753.Bern
DÖRFELT & HEKLAU 1998: 351.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 161.
WAGENITZ, G.: Anfänge der Botanik an der Georgia Augusta im
Spannungsfeld zwischen Haller und Linné. – Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, II.
Math.-Phys. Kl. Jahrg. 2001, Nr. 2: 1-21.
Herbarium: P
GOET Switzerland, areas surrounding Göttingen and Celle, Harz (ex Hb. Hugo).
see also: H. ZOLLER 1958: Albrecht von Hallers Pflanzensammlungen in Göttingen...
Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, Math. - Phys. Kl. 1958, Nr. 10.
HALLIER, Johann (Hans) Gottfried 1868 - 1932
born: Jena died: Oegstgeest, Z.H., Holland
Botanist (proposed several original systems of angiosperms). Assistant in Göttingen (1892 - 93), Buitenzorg, Munich, Hamburg, Leiden. Collected in Malaysia; 1893 - 96 and 1903 - 04.
Biography: Fl. Males. I. 1: 212 - 213. 1950.
Herbarium: HBG, BO
GOET A few specimens from around Göttingen.
HAMPE, Georg Ernst Ludwig 1795 - 1880
born: Fürstenberg (Weser) died: Helmstedt
Pharmacist, in Blankenburg, Harz (1825). Dr.h.c. (Göttingen). Interested in the flora of the Harz and bryologist.
Biography: Leopoldina 17: 106 - 108, 123 - 125. 1881.
SEELAND 1936: 23 - 24.
DAB 1: 244. 1975.
H.-U. KISON & P. SACHER 1995: Ernst Hampe – Leben und Werk. In:
HAMPE, Flora Hercynica. Reprint. Quedlinburg.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 163-166.
Herbarium: BM (Bry)
GOET: Hessen, Harz (Hb. Bg., Beh.) Bry.
HANCE, Henry Fletcher 1827 - 1886
born: Old Brompton (England) died: Amoy (China)
English diplomat and botanist. 1861; Vice - consul in Whampoa near Canton, 1886; Consul in Amoy.
Biography: J. China Branch R. Asiat. soc. ser.2. 21: 309 - 313. 1886.
BRETSCHNEIDER 1898: 365 - 370, 532 - 533, 632 - 652.
Herbarium: BM
GOET: China, 1863 / 65 (Hb. Gris.).
HANDEL - MAZZETTI, Heinrich Freiherr von 1882 - 1940
born and died in Vienna.
Botanist. 1905; Assistant at the botanical institute at the university of Vienna, 1925; curator of the natural history museum (botany department). Retired 1931. Systematist (monographed the genera Taraxacum and Leontopodium). Important contributions to the flora of the Far East and China (expedition 1914 - 18).
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 57: (179) - (201). 1940.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 175 - 176. 1959.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 166-167.
Herbarium: W, WU
GOET: A few bryophyte specimens (Hep.) from China in VERDOORN, Hepat. Selectae.
HANSEN, Carl Adolph 1851 - 1920
born: Altona died: Gießen
Worked as botanist (plant physiology and plant geography), following an apprenticeship as pharmacist Lecturer in Darmstadt, prof. in Gießen.
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 38: (66) - (77). 1920.
Ber. Oberhess. Ges. Natur - u. Heilk. N. F., Naturw. Abt 19: 50 - 64. 1940.
DAB 1: 246 - 247. 1975.
GOET: Ceylon, 1911 / 12 u. 1913 / 14 (ex Hb. Gießen; the collection was given back to Gießen [GI] in 2012).
HARRIS, William 1860 - 1920
born: Enniskillen (Ireland) died: Kansas City
Irish gardener and plant collector, botanist. Superintendent of several gardens in Jamaica from 1881 onwards, government botanist.
Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 56. 1902.
Bot. Gaz. 71: 331 - 333. 1921.
Herbarium: JAM
GOET: Jamaica, 1898, 1908 (acc. 1908 ex Herb. KRUG & URBAN).
HAUSMANN zu STETTEN, Franz von 1810 - 1878.
born and died in Bozen
Baron of Stein unter Lebenberg, Lanegg and Greiffenegg. Lord of the manor, botanist (Flora of Tyrol). Initially studied medicine before taking over the family business in 1831. Worked at the Tyrol herbarium of Ferdinandeum (also collected lichens, mosses and insects). "Flora of Tyrol" (1851 - 54).
Biography: Z. Ferdinandeums 3rd series 23: 1 - 55. 1879.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 222. 1959.
Herbarium: Dispersed at several collections.
GOET: South Tyrol.
Secondary school ("Realschule") teacher in Barr (Alsace).
GOET: Alsace "Fl. Alsatica" ca. 1883 - 1891 (Hb. Pae., Vo., Roth). Switzerland, 1884.
HAUSSKNECHT, Heinrich Carl 1838 - 1903
born: Bennungen (Sachsen-Anhalt) died: Wiemar
Trained as pharmacist, but worked as private tutor in Weimar. Flora specialist and systematist (Epilobium - monographer) and explorer. 1864 - 66 and 1866 - 69; travelled around the Orient (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran). After his death his herbarium was continued as a foundation under BORNMÜLLER as curator. Transferred to the University of Jena in 1949.
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 22: (31) - (39). 1905.
Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 18: 1 - 14. 1903; 45: 13 - 23. 1939.
DAB 1: 253 - 254. 1975.
Haussknechtia 5: 5-20. 1990.
J. CASPER (Edit.): Herbarium Haussknecht. Weimar 1896 – Jena 1996.
Geschichte und Gegenwart. Jena 1996.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 169-170.
Herbarium: JE ("Herbarium Haussknecht")
GOET: Central Europe, esp. Thüringen, southern lower saxony (ex Herb. div.). Iran
1867 (Hb. Roth, Vo.). Greece, 1885 (Hb. Roth).
HAUTHAL, Rodolfo (Rudolf Johannes Friedrich) 1854 – 1928
born: Hamburg died: Hildesheim
Geologist. From 1906 onwards director of the Römer-Museum, Hildesheim.
GOET: Bolivia "Iter austro - americanum" 1906 (195 Nr. ex Hb. Hild.).
HEGEWISCH, Ernst Friedrich Adolph - ca. 1840
born and died in Hanover
Studied medicine in Göttingen from 1820. Later as doctor (for the German - American mining company) in Mexico (Oaxaca). Plant collector.
Biography: Matrikel Univ. Göttingen.
Linnaea 19: 454. 1864.
KRUSE 1923
W. PFERDEKAMP 1958: Auf Humboldt’s Spuren. München. p. 225.
WAGENITZ 1988: 76.
GOET: Mexico (Hb. Bg., ca. 200 Nr., acc. 1836).
Comments: Following Index Herb., Coll.; this collection only exists in GOET (earlier also in
LZ where it was destroyed during the War).
Teacher in Lychen (Uckermark).
GOET: Mark Brandenburg (in Prenzlau, Lychen, Templin) (Hb. Pae., Pet., Vo.) ca.
1873 - 83.
HELDREICH, Theodor Heinrich Hermann von 1822 - 1902
born: Dresden died: Athens
German botanist. Lived in Greece from 1843 to 49 and from 1851 onwards. Prof. of botany and director of the botanical gardens in Athens from 1851. Important researcher of the Greek flora.
Biography: Mag. Bot. Lap. 1: 325 - 336. 1902.
GRUMMANN 1974: 87.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 179.
Herbarium: B (mostly †)
GOET: Greece, 1844 - 85 (Hb. Bg., Roth, Vo.), divided up as "Herbar. Graecum
norm.", "Fl. thessala", "Iter quartum per Tessalia", "pl. exsicc. Florae
Hellenicae". Crete, 1845 / 46. (Hb. Gris.). Turkey, 1845, 1846, 1851 (Hb.
Comments: Numerous isotypes, especially those species described by BOISSIER.
HELFER, Johann Wilhelm 1810 - 1840
born: Prague died: Andaman Islands
Doctor and explorer, collected animals and plants. 1835 - 40; large expedition through the Far East to India and Burma.
Biography: NOSTITZ, P. 1873: Johann Wilhelm Helfers Reisen in Vorderindien und
Indien. Leipzig
MAIWALD 1904: 108 - 111.
GOET: Burma and Andaman "Herb. of the late East India Company. Herb. HELFER.
Tenasserim and Andamans" (Hb. Gris.).
HEPP, Johann Adam Philipp 1797 - 1867
born: Kaiserlautern died: Frankfurt a. M.
Doctor in Neustadt a. d. "Weinstraße". Influential in the "Hambacher Fest". Fled to Switzerland in 1849 as political refugee following the uprising of the Palatinate. Botanist (particulary lichenologist).
Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 182-183.
Herbarium: BM
GOET: 20 Nr. Bryophytes from Switzerland in RABENHORST, Bryotheca.
HERBORG, Joachim (Jochen)
Studied in Ulm and Göttingen. Diploma thesis and Ph. D. (1987) on the Senecio nemorensis-group. Later in the pharmaceutical industry.
GOET: Senecio nemorensis and allied species. Material pertaining to the dissertation:
Die Variabilität und Sippenabgrenzung in der Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe
(Compositae) im europäischen Teilareal. Diss. Bot. 197. Berlin & Stuttgart 1987.
Greece 1982 (with G. WAGENITZ), Yugloslavia 1984 (with K.
HERTER, Lorenz 1811 - 1888
born: Dürrenwaldstetten near Riedlingen (Württ.) died: Hummertsried
Teacher, finally in Hummertsried (Württ).
Biography: Ann. Bot., London 2: 414. 1889.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 184.
Herbarium: TUB
GOET: Bryophytes from south west Germany (Württemberg) 1885 / 86 (Hb. Vo.).
HERTER, Wilhelm Gustav Franz 1884 - 1958
born: Berlin died: Hamburg
Botanist (flora specialist, systematist, esp. Lycopodiales, mycologist). Several positions in Germany and Uruguay, 1941 - 44; worked in occupied Poland (Kraków).
Biography: Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 7: 273 - 276. 1959.
Candollea 33: 107 - 134. 1978.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 184-185.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Uruguay, 1925 - 34 "Plantae Uruguayenses exsiccatae" (partly leg. Meta
HERTER), also cryptogams.
HESSE, Christian Heinrich Friedrich 1772 - 1832
born: Meine (Hanover) died: Hoya
Priest and botanist. 1800 - 1817; at the lutherian foundation in Cape Town, where he collected plants (and insects). Later worked as priest in Nienburg and Hoya.
Biography: ROTERMUND 1823, Das gelehrte Hannover 2: 346 - 347. 1823.
MORITZ, E. 1938: Die Deutschen am Kap unter der holländischen Herrschaft
1652 - 1806. Weimar (pg. 126).
Dict. S. Afr. Biogr. 3: 390 - 391. 1977.
GUNN & CODD 1981: 186-187.
GOET: South Africa (Cape), (Hb. Bg., Gris., Herr.).
Revisions by: SCHRADER, H. A. 1818, Gött. Gel. Anz. 1818, 2: 913 - 920.
1821, Gött. Gel. Anz. 1821, 3: 2065 - 2079.
1832: Comment. Soc. Regiae Sci. Götting. Recent 7, Cl.
Phys.: 101 - 152.
(Some of the isotypes of the new species are in Göttingen).
HEUFFEL, Johann (János) A. 1800 - 1857
born: Modor (Modra) near Pressburg died: Lugos (Banat) (= Lugoj)
Doctor and botanist (esp. interested in the flora of Banat). Doctor in Réthát, and later physician of the province of Krassó in Lugos.
Biography: Flora 44: 271 - 272. 1861.
Linnaea 33: 568 - 581. 1865.
GOMBOCZ 1936: 414-418.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 309. 1959.
Herbarium: BP
GOET: Banat (Hb. Gris.).
HIERONYMUS, Georg Hans Emmo Wolfgang 1846 - 1921
born: Schöneiche (Neumarkt district, Silesia) died: Berlin
Botanist (specialised in ferns and algae). Prof. in Cordoba 1874 - 83. Private scholar in Breslau. Curator of the botanical gardens and museum in Berlin from 1892 onwards.
Biography: Hedwigia 62: (I - IV). 1921.
Physis, Buenos Aires 5: 346 - 348. 1922.
Bol. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Cordoba 49: 63 - 70. 1972.
Englera 1: 61-62. 1979.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 193-194.
Herbarium: B (partly †), CORD
GOET: Argentinia "Flora Argentina" (Cardoba Prov.), 1876 / 77 Herb. Gris.). See also
HILDEBRANDT, Johann Maria 1847 - 1881
born: Düsseldorf died: Tananarivo (Antananrivo), Madagascar
Trained as engineer, then gardener. Worked as plant collector and ethnographer in Africa: 1872 - 74; Arabia, north east Africa and Zanzibar, 1879 - 81; Madagascar.
Biography: Monatsber. Kgl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1881: 1173 - 1176. 1882.
Peterm. Geogr. Mitt. 28: 102 - 103. 1882.
Gartenflora 43: 285 - 289. 1894.
ADB 50: 327 - 328. 1905.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 194-195.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Somalia, 1873 (A few specimens, Hb. Pae.),
Madagascar 1879 / 80 (Hb. Pae.). More than 70 types included.
Bryophytes: Komoren Islands Johanna (Anjouan).
Itinerary: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 19: III - IX. 1878.
Revisions cited in: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 14: 288 - 291. 1892. Bull. Soc. France 29: 180 181. 1882.
Revisions of Madagascar plants: O. HOFFMANN 1881: Sertum Plantarum
madagascariensium...In: Festschrift zweiten Säcularfeier Friedrich
Wierderschen Gymnasiums Berlin p. 313 - 332. (Isotypes of most of the new
species are included).
HILSE, Friedrich Wilhelm 1820 - 1871
born: Nieder - Langenbielau near Reichenbach (Silesia) died: Breslau
Teacher in Strehlen, from 1863 in Breslau. Botanist, bryologist and most importantly algae researcher.
Biography: Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 49: 129 - 138. 1872.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 196.
GOET: Bryophytes from Silesia, ca. 30 Nr. in RABENHORST, Bryotheca and
HIRC, Dragutin (c. 1852) - 1921
died: Zagreb
Worked on the Croatian flora.
Biography: (Obituary): Mag. Bot. Lap. 19: 49. 1922.
GOET: Croatian. Areas surrounding Buccari (Bakar), ca. 1872 - 78. (Name hard to
read, probably HIRC).
Zoologist, collected specimens in the Bahamas on the way back from Haiti. (after BRITTON & MILLSPAUGH 1920, The Bahama Flora p. 647).
GOET: Turk Island, Bahamas, 1858 (A few specimens in Hb. Gris.).
HOEME, Alfons
GOET: Scleranthus, area surrounding Dresden, 1872.
HOFFMANN, Carl (Karl) 1832 ?- 1859
born: Stettin (?) died: Esparta (Costa Rica)
Doctor in Berlin and Costa Rica (travelled to Costa Rica in 1853 (see Bonplandia 1: 233. 1853).
Biography and Itinerary: Biog: Bonplandia 4: 27-34. 1856; 6: 302-320. 1858.
DURAND & PITTIER 1893: Primitiae florae costaricensis 2: 15-22
(= Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 31: 129-136).
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 200.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET. Costa Rica, c. 1856 (Hb. Herr.).
Revisions: Orchidaceae: H. G. L REICHENBACH 1867.
HOFFMANNSEGG, Johannes Centurius, Graf von 1766 - 1849
born and died in Dresden
Land owner and private scholar (botanist, entomologist and ornithologist). Studied in Leipzig and Göttingen. 1793 - 94; travelled in Hungary, Austria and Italy. 1795 - 96 (with LINK) and 1797 - 1801 travelled in Portugal. Worked in Berlin from 1804 - 16, founder of the zoological museum in Berlin.
Biography: Dresdner Album, ed. 2, ed. MÜHLENFELS p. 24 - 44. Berlin 1856.
NDB 9: 440. 1972.
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 94: 562 - 570. 1974.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 201-202.
Herbarium: B (†), bryophytes: G
GOET: Portugal (Hb. Mey).
HOFMANN, Ursula 1941 -
born: Winterthur
Botanist (especially interested in flower morphology). Teacher at a "Volksschule", then studied in Zurich (student of MARKGRAF and ROHWEDER). Scientific worker (academic councillor) at the systematic - geobotanical institute at the univerisity of Göttingen, 1972 - 75 and from 1977 – 2003.
Biography: information communicated by herself.
Herbarium: Z, GOET
GOET: Slovenia 1972, Norway 1973, Tyrol and Carinthia 1977, England 1978, Valais
1980, East USA 1980.
HOHENACKER, Rudolf Friedrich 1798 - 1874
born: Zurich died: Kirchheim unter Teck
Missionary and doctor, from 1826 in the swabian colony Helenendorf (near, =? Jelisawetpol, Giandscha, Kirowabad; Aserbeidshan). Worked solely as plant collector from ca. 1830 onwards. 1841 in Basel, from 1842 in Esslingen and from 1858 in Kirchheim. Lived off the proceeds produced by the publication of several exsiccatae.
Biography: Jahresh. Ges. Vaterl. Naturk. Württ. 124: 146 - 156. 1969.
BAUR 1970: 239 ff., 251 - 253.
GOET: Caucasus ("Georgia cauc."), edited by the Unio itineraria 1831 - 34 (Hb. Gris.).
Edit.: "Meeralgen" (including S. Africa, West Indies, Triest).
For more exsiccatae published by HOHENACKER, see under the individual collectors.
HOLL, C. Friedrich
Botanist, pharmacist in Dresden.
Biography: FISCHER - BENZON 1889.
GOET: Portugal, Madeira, 1827 "Plante maderenses" (Hb. Mey., Pae.).
HOLLER, August 1835 - 1904
born: Kastl near Amberg died: Memmingen
Doctor in Glonn, Mering near Augsburg and (from 1880) in Memmingen. Bryologist.
Biography: Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 10: 1 - 6. 1905.
MÄGDEFRAU 1978: 145.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 204-206.
Herbarium: M
GOET: Bryophytes from Bavaria (Hb. Schell., Vo., Eiben).
HOLTZ, Friedrich 1941 - 1991
born: Brandenburg a. H. died: Göttingen
Primary school teacher, following which he studied in Göttingen. 1970 – 1979; scientific assistant at the systematic - geobotanical institute at the University of Göttingen. Numerous expeditions. "Studienrat" in Göttingen from 1979 onwards.
Biography: information communicated by himself.
Herbarium: GOET
GOET: Approx. 2200 Nr.: Germany (esp. from around Göttingen), ca. 1970 - 78.
Corsica, 1970. Southern france 1971 - 72, 1974 - 75. Slovenia 1972,
Turkey 1973 (with HÄNEL & KESERÇIOĞLU), 1974 (with LEWEJOHANN).
Portugal. - Bryophytes.
HOLUBY, Josef Ludwig 1836 - 1923
born: Lobonya (Lubina, Kom. Neutra) died: Bösing (Pezinok, Slovakia)
Priest, 1861 - 1909 in Nemes - Podhrágy. Botanist, also interested in archaeology and folklore.
Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 66: 61 - 64. 1916.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 2: 406 - 407. 1959.
GOET: Slovakia, in BAENITZ, Herb.Europ.
HOLZAPFEL, Claus 1959 –
born: Hamburg
Studied biology in Hamburg and Göttingen. Vegetation studies in Israel leading to his Ph. D. Göttingen 1993. 1994-98 at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1998-2001 University of Massachusetts, Amherts, from 2001 onwards at the Department of Plant Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Ecologist.
GOET: Israel, c. 1988-93.
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton, Sir 1817 - 1911
born: Halesworth, Suffolk died: Sunningdale, Berkshire
Important systematist and plant geographer. 1829 - 43; sailed on the Erebus and Terror under captain ROSS in the Antarctic ( and to Tasmania, New Zealand). 1847 - 50; expedition to India (Himalaya), partly with Th. THOMSON. 1865 - 85; director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. Close friend of Charles DARWIN providing him with phytogeographical data in support of the evolution theory.
Biography: J. Bot., London 50: 1 - 9, 33 - 43. 1912.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 30: (87) - (94). 1913.
HUXLEY, L. 1918: Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, London.
Bot. Mag. Dedic.: 323-324. 1934.
ALLAN, M. 1967: The Hookers of Kew. London.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 6: 488 - 492. 1972.
Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 341 - 344. 1975.
DESMOND, R. 1999: Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. Traveller and plant
collector. Antique Collectors‘ Club and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
Herbarium: K
GOET: New Zealand (also Bryophytes), Falkland Islands. India (partly with Th.
THOMSON): "Herb. Ind. Or.", including Khasia, Sikkim, Punjab, Bengal,
Madras, Himal. bor. occ., Tibet occ., Plan. Ganget. inf. (mostly ex Hb. Gris.).
Also bryophytes (cf. THIERS 1992, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 68 on the mosses
described by MITTEN).
HOOKER, William Jackson 1785 - 1865
born: Norwich died: Kew, Surrey
British botanist, prof. of botany in Glasgow. 1841 - 1865; director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Biography: Ann. Bot., London 16: IX - CCXXI. 1902.
ALLAN, M. 1967: The Hookers of Kew, London.
Herbarium: K, BM
GOET: A few specimens from England (acc. 1820, 1823, partly Hb. Mey.).
HOPPE, David Heinrich 1760 - 1846
born: Vilsen (Grafschaft Hoya) died: Regensburg
Trained as pharmacist in Celle, Hamburg, Halle and Wolfenbüttel. Pharmacist in Regensburg. Studied medicine. Doctor in Regensburg, and, from 1803, prof. of botany at a local girl's high school. Founder of the "Regensburger Botanischen Gesellschaft”, and their magazine "Flora". Important botanist (flora), explored the east Alps.
Biography: FÜRNROHR, A.E. (Edit.) 1849: D.H. Hoppe's Selbstbiographie.
ADB 13: 113 - 114. 1881.
PONGRATZ 1963: 61 - 63.
NDB 9: 616 - 617. 1972.
DAB 1: 292 - 293. 1975.
Hoppea 50: 7-29; 31-50. 1991.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 208.
Herbarium: GZU (parts in BP, M, PR)
GOET: A few specimens from Bavaria and Austria, also bryophytes (Hb. Mey. as well
as others).
HORA, Paul c. 1853 - 1902
died: Pilsen
Post - office official in Innsbruck.
Biography: Litt. Fl. Tirol p. 374. 1900.
MAIWALD 1904: 238.
GOET: Lichens: Bohemia.
HOSTMANN, Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf 1794 - 1864
born: Hanover (?)
Doctor, emigrated to Surinam in 1818, where he worked as doctor and plant collector until 1840.
Biography: PULLE 1906, Enum. Vasc. Pl, Suriname p. 2 - 5, 8 - 10.
Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 345. 1975.
GOET: Surinam "In Surinam collegit Dr. Hostmann. ed. R.F. HOHENACKER 1846"
(acc. 1857 ex Hb. Kegel).
"HOSTM. (ANN) et KAPPL. (ER), Pl. surinam., Ed. R.F. HOHENACKER
1842" (Hb. Gris.).
Comments: It is suspected that Wilhelm HOSTMANN, who registered at Göttingen university
(medical faculty) in 1817, was actually HOSTMANN, F .W. R.
HÜBENER, Johann Wilhelm Peter 1807 - 1847
born: Billwärder (Hamburg - Billwerder) died: Altona (Hamburg - Alt.).
Botanist (flora, bryologist). 1828; travelled to Norway with KURR on contracted by the botanical expedition society (Botanischer Reiseverein).
Biography: FISCHER - BENZON 1889: 26 - 27.
SEELAND 1936: 26 - 28.
BAUR 1970: 253.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 212-213.
Herbarium: LZ (†)
GOET: Norway, Lapland, also bryophytes and lichens.
HUET du PAVILLON, Alfred 1829 - 1907
born: Blain (Loire - Infér.) died: Frohsdorf
Botanist, plant collector. Spent childhood in Switzerland, pupil of Alphonse DE CANDOLLE. 1851 - 52; Curator of the DE CANDOLLE herbarium. 1852 - 56; large expedition, partly with his brother Edouard. Later private secretary to noble families, by which time he was no longer active in botanical research.
Biography: Annu. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genéve 17: 310 - 325. 1914.
Herbarium: G
GOET: South France, 1852 "Plantes du Midi de la France".
Pyrenees, 1852 "Plantes des Pyrénées".
North east Turkey, 1853 "Plantae Orientales".
Sardinia, 1854 "Plantes de Sardaigne".
Italy: "Plantes des Apennins, 1854" (with Edouard): "Plantae Siculae, 1855,
1856", "Plantae Neapolitanae, 1856" (Hb. Gris.), France also in F.
SCHULTZ, Herb. norm.
HUET du PAVILLON, Edouard 1819 - 1908
born: Blain (Loire - Infér.) died: Geneve
Studied in Switzerland, teacher in Litauen. 1857; founded a boarding school in Geneve with his brother Alfred. Botanical expeditions to Switzerland, France and, with his brother Alfred,. to Italy.
Biography: see under Alfred.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Italy, 1855 - 56, with Alfred (s.d.).
HUGO, August Johann (von) 1686 - 1760
born: Stolzenau / Weser died: Hanover
Studied medicine in Leiden (student of BOERHAAVE). Personal physician to the kings of Hanover. Lord of the manor. Friend of A. v. HALLER. Owner of a large herbarium.
Biography: K. u. K. v. HUGO 1919: Geschichte der Familie Hugo. Seelzer Linie.
Hanover (see also the archive in GOET).
Herbarium: GOET. Holds a few collections (only partly determined) from southern
Hanover, France, Italy. Apart from the plant specimens from A. v. HALLER
(see under HALLER), a herbarium from near Tranquebar (India), which was
collected for HUGO by missionaries in 1733, is also included. (see also
WAGENITZ, 1978, Taxon 27: 493 - 494).
HUNGER, Emil - 1885
died: Berlin
Teacher in Berlin.
Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 27: XV, LVI. 1886 (Obituary).
GOET: Lausitz, Isergebirge etc. 1880 - 82 (Hb. Pae.).
HUNT, Thomas Carew - 1886
1839 - 48; English consul in the Azores where he collected plant specimens. Later in Bordeaux.
Biography: DESMOND 1977.
Herbarium: BM, K (?)
GOET: Azores, c. 1845 (Hb. Gris.).
HURLEY, Homer Howard 1930 -
born: Morganton, N.C.
Botanist (systematics). Teacher, then associate prof. at Appalachian State University, Boone, N. C. 1969 / 70; worked as scientific assistant as part of an exchange programme at the systematic - geobotanical institute at the university of Göttingen. Later owned a ranch in Montana.
Biography: information provided by himself.
GOET: Spain, 1970.
HUTER, Rupert 1834 - 1919
born: Kals, Tyrol died: Ried near Sterzing (Vipiteno), south Tyrol
Priest in Ried. Botanist and plant collector (in east Alps and Mediterranean).
Biography: ASCH. & GR. 12 (3): 276. 1936.
ZANDER ed. 11. 1979.
Herbarium: Brixen ? (Exsiccatae in several herbaria).
GOET: Tyrol, south tyrol (ex Hb. div.). Italy: Venetia 1872 / 73 (partly with PORTA
and RIGO).